We provide a swivel torque tool; an excellent solution for testing both the misalignment torque of a mounted bearing and the swivel torque. Many major manufacturer’s process specifications have detailed the test including Boeing BAC5435 and Airbus AIPI / AIPS 03-03-012. UNASIS have identified the inaccuracies and difficulties in testing the misalignment torque whilst using a spring scale and engineered a solution that cannot be found anywhere else. Our UNASIS Swivel Torque Tool does not need to be calculated by the sine of the spring scale angle and by multiplying the moment arm distance by the force. The design of the tool ensures that the axis of rotation is always down the centre line of the bearing. In addition, the UNASIS Swivel Torque Tool includes the breakaway torque test within a single assemble, which saves both money and time within the process. Similar to our UNASIS Breakaway Torque Tool, there is no chance of harming the bearing ball by over-torquing the assembly. The surplus force generated is distributed through a plastic washer.
Some common wrench sizes:
- Digital Torque Reader Calibrated 0.002 - 0.5 N-m (0.020 - 4.5 lb-in)
- Digital Torque Reader Calibrated 0.05 - 0.5N-m (0.45 - 4.50 lb-in)
- Digital Torque Reader Calibrated 0.4 – 4 N-m (3.5 - 35 lb-in)
- Digital Torque Reader Calibrated 0.02 – 4 N-m (0.2 - 35 lb-in)
- Digital Torque Reader Calibrated 1.5 - 30 N-m (13.3 - 265.52 lb-in)
Other calibration ranges available upon request.