Reverse Tri-Roller Swaging Tool

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  • Chamfered Bearing
  • V-Groove Housing
  • Sleeve Not Present

Tool Style Availability

  • Drill Press
  • Portable

Delivery Time

  • From in stock to 8 weeks.
  • AOG services are available upon request.

The Process

The UNASIS Reverse Tri-Roller Swaging Tool is utilised with a v-groove housing and chamfered bearing. The tool works as an inverse of the main tri-roller swaging method. The housing is swaged onto the bearing, rather than swaging the bearing onto the housing. It is essential that correct tool is selected, as you get one attempt to install the bearing. Furthermore, if the bearing is inaccurately installed, the housing may be damaged to the point where it cannot be repaired.


Please get in contact with one of our UNASIS engineers to get the technical support required for best reverse tri-roller swaging tool.


Technical Support

UNASIS provides immediate and comprehensive technical support, alongside our manufacturing and design expertise. With our decades of experience, we can provide validated solutions to reduce any risk.

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